"A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human." — Alan Turing
Landmarks Tagging using Custom CNN
A Neural Network-based application that uses a custom-built CNN to automatically recognize the location and name of a user-supplied picture based on any world-famous landmarks present in the image.
Storyteller Picture to Story
A Large Language Model Based App to Generate Stories from Pictures. The app can craft captivating narratives from simple images, potentially surpassing even Shakespearean standards in creativity :)
Movie Recommender
An easy-to-use app that allows users to view the movie plots and synopses of more than 3,500 English-language films released between 2005 and 2022. The app can suggest up to five films that, in terms of story, emotions, setup, etc.
Text Paraphraser
Given a text paragraph as input, the app will analyze the input text and generate a 'paraphrased' version of the input text paragraph while keeping the sense of the paragraph unaltered.
Common NLP Applications
This app demonstrates typical NLP techniques used in real-world use cases, such as Named Entity Recognition(NER) , Parts of Speech Tagging (POS) , Text Summarization, and Multiclass Text Classification
TV Script Generator
This app automatically generates our own Seinfeld TV script. Under the hood app uses a custom built Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) trained on small subset of the Seinfeld TV sit-com's script from 9 seasons.
Pharmaceutical Sales Analysis
An interactive dashboard using PowerBI to analyze raw sales data from a multinational pharmaceutical manufacturing company and get insights into the performance of the sales team, customers, and distributors.
Human Resource Analysis
A HR dashboard built using Streamlit and Plotly that analyzes raw data to gain knowledge about how well organizational policies affect staff promotions and layoffs as well as employee behaviors like attrition and job satisfaction.
Sales/Customer/ Product Analysis
A fully interactive PowerBI dashboard to explore the raw sales data for an online retailer of bicycles and bicycle components in order to obtain insights into its sales performance, customers, and products.